Attraction is a fascinating and complex phenomenon, influenced by both biological and social factors.

Hormones: Testosterone and estrogen play crucial roles in attraction. While testosterone is commonly associated with men, both hormones impact attraction in both sexes. 

Lust: Lust is characterized by a strong desire for sexual gratification and a focus on physical attractiveness. It’s driven by hormones like testosterone and estrogen. 

Attachment: Attachment is the long-term bond that develops between partners. It involves feelings of safety, trust, and emotional connection 

 Prosocial Behaviors: Men are attracted to women who exhibit kindness, empathy, and compassion. These prosocial behaviors signal emotional intelligence and compatibility.

Desirable Personality Traits: Traits like confidence, humor, and intelligence are universally attractive. A sense of humor, in particular, often ranks high in what men find appealing.

Physical Attractiveness: While subjective, physical appearance matters. Men are drawn to women they find visually appealing. 

The halo effect might make us overlook a poor personality in favor of physical attraction (at least within limits), but the opposite is also true. 

Each individual’s preferences are unique, making it impossible to pinpoint a single reason for why males are attracted to females.