Awareness: SID raises awareness about online safety issues like cyberbullying, data privacy, online scams, and digital literacy.

  Global Reach: It is celebrated in over 170 countries worldwide, involving governments, educators, parents, and industry leaders.

   Education: SID encourages educational initiatives to teach children, young people, and adults about online safety and responsible online behavior.

    Collaboration: It fosters collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, schools, NGOs, and technology companies, to address online safety challenges.

     Promoting Positive Online Experiences: SID promotes positive online experiences, emphasizing kindness, respect, and empathy in digital interactions.

     Resources: It provides resources such as lesson plans, videos, and interactive activities to help educators and parents teach online safety skills.

     Campaigns: Various campaigns and events are organized around SID to engage individuals and communities in discussions and activities related to online safety.

   Youth Engagement: SID encourages young people to become advocates for online safety, empowering them to take an active role in promoting a safer internet.

 Long-term Impact: The goal of SID is to create a lasting impact by promoting ongoing dialogue and actions to make the internet a safer and more positive environment for all users.