
Independence Day vs. Republic Day: Hoisting vs. Unfurling the National Flag

Independence Day vs. Republic Day

On January 26th, India turns 74 years old! This is a super special day called Republic Day, because it marks the day India became a full-fledged republic, with its own set of rules and laws. On this day, everyone celebrates the freedom and democracy gained in 1950.

The celebration starts with a cool flag ceremony! Unlike Independence Day, where the Prime Minister raises the flag from the bottom up, on Republic Day, the President gently unfolds a flag already at the top. This different movement tells a story: raising the flag symbolizes the fresh start after gaining independence, while unfolding it shows how India keeps the values of freedom and democracy alive and strong even after all these years.

So, remember: both ceremonies are super important, but they show different parts of India’s journey. Hoisting the flag celebrates the new birth, while unfolding it celebrates the continuous growth and strength of our amazing country! Happy Republic Day, everyone!

Republic Day is all about celebrating India’s own set of rules and laws, the Constitution! On this special day, the President gently unfolds the national flag, like opening a present filled with freedom and democracy. This is different from Independence Day, where the Prime Minister raises the flag from the bottom up, showing a fresh start.

Remember, India was already free before the first Republic Day, so the flag unfurling is like saying, “We’re still super proud of our freedom and the rules that keep it strong!”

On the first Independence Day, things were a bit tricky. The person in charge of India back then, Lord Mountbatten, was from the country that used to rule India. It wouldn’t feel right for him to raise the flag for a free India, right? So, India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, took charge and proudly raised the flag for everyone to see!

So, both Independence Day and Republic Day are important, but they celebrate different things. Both are super exciting ways to say “Happy Birthday, India!

After India became a republic on January 26th, 1950, someone special had to unfold the flag to celebrate! That someone is the President, and it’s been a tradition ever since.

Unlike Independence Day where the Prime Minister raises the flag at the Red Fort, on Republic Day, the President gently opens the flag already at the top at Rajpath. Rajpath is a fancy walkway where everyone gets to see a super cool parade of India’s soldiers, dancers, and even planes!

Hence once again remember: both ceremonies are awesome, but they happen at different places and show different things. On Independence Day, we celebrate our freedom, while on Republic Day, we celebrate the rules and laws that keep our country strong and united. Happy Birthday, India!