
What Is The Name Of India First Satellite?

What Is The Name Of India First Satellite

Named after the renowned mathematician and astronomer Aryabhatta from the 5th century, India’s first satellite, Aryabhatta, marked a significant milestone in the country’s space exploration journey. Launched on 19th April 1975, Aryabhatta symbolized India’s foray into the realm of space exploration and scientific advancement.

Aryabhatta Satellite: Launch and Mission:

The historic launch of the Aryabhatta satellite took place on 19th April 1975, from Kapustin Yar, a Soviet rocket launch and development site located in Astrakhan Oblast. The satellite was propelled into space using a Kosmos-3M launch vehicle, marking a collaborative effort between India and the Soviet Union.

Collaborative Efforts and Mission Objectives:

The successful launch of Aryabhatta was made possible through a bilateral agreement between India and the Soviet Union, facilitated by eminent scientist UR Rao. Signed in 1972, this agreement allowed the Soviet Union to utilize Indian portals for tracking ships and launching vessels, while India gained the opportunity to launch various satellites.

Technical Specifications and Experimentation:

Aryabhatta was designed to assist India in conducting experiments in X-ray astronomy, agronomy, and solar physics. The satellite itself was a 26-sided polyhedron, measuring 1.4 meters in diameter. Covered with solar cells on all faces except the top and bottom, Aryabhatta was equipped to harness solar energy for its operations.

Challenges and Achievements:

Despite its groundbreaking mission objectives, Aryabhatta encountered challenges during its operation. Approximately four days into the experiment, communication with the satellite was interrupted, resulting in the loss of signals for 60 orbits. However, the mainframe of the spacecraft remained active until March 1981, showcasing its resilience and endurance.

India’s maiden satellite, Aryabhatta, exemplifies the nation’s commitment to scientific exploration and technological advancement. As a testament to collaboration and innovation, Aryabhatta paved the way for future endeavors in space exploration, inspiring generations of scientists and engineers to push the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration.