
Review Of “Lal Salaam”: Rajinikanth Tears Apart Religious Politics In This Uneven Movie

Review Of "Lal Salaam"

After nearly eight years, Aishwarya Rajinikanth returns to filmmaking with ‘Lal Salaam,’ a bold move that required courage, especially in choosing a strong title and building a social media presence. The film aims to provide a commentary on religious politics, reflecting elements of reality. But does it effectively convey its message? Let’s explore!

The Story of ‘Lal Salaam’

The film follows Thirunavukarasu, or Thiru, and Shamsuddin, two talented cricket players from the village of Murrabad, where Hindus and Muslims live peacefully. Despite their different religions, they are friends. However, tensions arise when local politicians try to incite communal violence for their benefit. They manipulate Thiru and Shamsuddin’s rivalry during a cricket match. When Thiru accidentally injures Shamsuddin during the game, it sparks a serious conflict between the two communities. The film explores how this rivalry is resolved.

Analysis of ‘Lal Salaam’

‘Lal Salaam’ is a film that deals with emotionally charged themes of Hindu-Muslim tensions. It uses cricket and politics as a backdrop to tell its story, providing a broad canvas for its narrative. However, the film falls short in its lack of originality and its reliance on clichés to drive the plot forward.

Poignant Moments in ‘Lal Salaam’

The film ‘Lal Salaam’ has many emotional scenes that touch the audience’s hearts. From showing the dirty side of religious politics to the changes in the characters played by Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, the movie has some brilliant moments. One scene, in particular, where Senthil expresses his longing for family in old age, stands out as especially moving.

Rajinikanth’s Impact

Rajinikanth’s presence in the film is significant for reaching a wider audience and delivering an important message. However, Aishwarya Rajinikanth, as the filmmaker, could have brought more fresh ideas into the story. The film becomes predictable right from the start, relying on performances to keep viewers interested. Even the cameo by cricket legend Kapil Dev fails to make a big impact.

Rajinikanth’s Role

Although initially touted as an extended cameo, Rajinikanth’s role in ‘Lal Salaam’ is crucial in driving the story forward whenever it seems to stagnate. His portrayal of Moideen Bhai is effortless and full of style, charisma, and a social message. Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth also deliver convincing performances, supported by Thambi Ramaiah, Senthil, and Vivek Prasanna. However, Jeevitha’s performance feels a bit exaggerated.

Music and Cinematography

AR Rahman’s music and Vishnu Rangasamy’s cinematography complement the film perfectly. The music adds to the overall experience, while the cinematography beautifully captures the dry landscape of Murrabad.

Final Thoughts

‘Lal Salaam’ has good intentions as a film. While the first half feels uneven due to forced scenes, the messaging comes together well in the second half, leaving viewers satisfied by the end.